Analyze + Mitigate your Combustible Dust Risk

可燃粉尘爆炸可能是工业设施中最未被认识到的危害之一. Without proper awareness and planning, the risk of an incident can threaten life safety, operational continuity and regulatory compliance. 彩宝网平台的可燃粉尘顾问团队可以帮助您更好地了解您的风险, 制定和优化缓解战略,并提供培训,以防止潜在的可燃粉尘爆炸.

Combustible Dust Testing

The first step in understanding your 粉尘危害 级别是表征您的设施中的粉尘-通知粉尘取样和测试策略. Our state-of-the-art flammability and 可燃粉尘 testing laboratory underpins all of our hazard analysis services, 为您提供深入的结果解释,并实现成本节约


DHA是对潜在火灾、闪火或与之相关的爆炸性危险的系统审查 可燃粉尘 and the plan to mitigate the risk. 彩宝网平台的粉尘危害分析顾问的目的是帮助您建立一个工人安全和基线水平 business continuity 同时限制可燃粉尘引起的火灾对建筑物和工艺的损害, deflagrations or explosions. Our DHA report provides you with actionable, 提出优先建议,以弥合现有条件与彩宝网最佳实践之间的差距.

Cubic Meter Testing

When performing a Dust Hazard Analysis, 每个设施都应该有一个定制的测试计划,因为每个站点的条件都不同. 使用彩宝网标准20L容器进行粉尘测试需要更小的样品,周转时间更快,但也容易产生过于保守的结果. 这可能导致更高的防爆资本和运营成本. 彩宝网平台最先进的可燃性粉尘实验室是北美为数不多的立方米测试室之一,可用于改进边际爆炸性粉尘的测试结果,并验证是否存在可燃性粉尘危害.


向一线员工告知为保护他们而制定的危害和缓解战略,可促进安全和合规文化. To further support this objective, 彩宝网平台提供可燃性粉尘危害的在线培训课程和现场培训课程, instructor-led training.

Explosion Protection

工业爆炸对任何制造或处理可燃粉尘和蒸汽的公司都有严重的危险. 在工艺设备中点燃粉尘或蒸气云不仅会破坏主容器, but also spread to interconnected equipment and into the plant, causing secondary explosions with devastating results. We have developed various methods of deflagration protection, in accordance with NFPA 68 and NFPA 69, 这可以保护设施不受爆炸的影响,并限制破坏的程度, including rapid explosion suppression, venting and isolation. We can also conduct third party reviews to ensure compliance.

How We've Protected 你的世界







Visit Our Combustible Dust Safety Laboratory

Combustible dust, a hidden risk

Combustible dust is a hidden risk for agriculture, chemical manufacturing, 药品, 家具, 纺织品, power generation, 回收, and metalworking and 3D printing sites. 即使粉尘悬浮在空气中,在一定条件下也会发生爆炸. 主动应对这些风险可以保护员工、业主和设施免受伤害或损失.


可燃粉尘是否易爆取决于其物理和化学性质, such as moisture content, 颗粒大小, 和形态. 彩宝网平台的工程师, 科学家和顾问减轻了可能导致生命死亡的因素, property and reputations at risk through our in-house technology, knowledge and best-in-class research and development.

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